Monday, February 1, 2016

A Drive Down Memory Lane

Sunday, January 31

We have been staying at a military base.  While here we have rented a car. Let me just tell you something, it feels really weird to be close to the road.  The RV is very high and rides rough, but the car, on the other hand, is close to the road and rides smoothly!  

We headed out from the base to Phoenix in the car.  We were going to Luke Air Force Base where my mom lived for four years when she was little. 

First we stopped to eat at a Mexican restaurant that my mom ate at when she was a kid! Then, we went to Luke Air Force Base and according to my mom, Grammy, and Pop the base was pretty much entirely different from when they lived there. For example in the past there was a playground near their house that had a spaceship. Not only was the spaceship gone, but the playground was gone. It had been replaced by a house!

See the playground above! Looks like fun!

Next stop - Pueblo Grande Museum!! 

Inside there was a hands on section which was very fun!!! 

Part of the museum was an archeological dig site. From the dig, archeologists found that a culture existed, thriving really, in that area!  They also discovered how they lived, what they did to live, and when they lived. The culture was estimated to have ceased just before Christopher Columbus founded the new world. We saw some of the things the archeologists found including petroglyphs, pots, and evidence of their building skill. 

Then we headed out on a trail to see the actual dig. It was very interesting. 

After walking through the dig we continued along the trail and saw replicas of their huts. These huts were a taller model, because of current city building codes!!?!? 

Below shows a model of the inside of their huts.

Along the trail they even showed examples of how they gardened in the desert.

Finally, we headed back.  Even with a long day of driving it was a very interesting day. It was a fun day for the adults, because they got to see how everything had changed. They may have not liked it, but at least they got to see it. It was also a fun day for us because we got to experience the history of some of our country. So, it truly was a drive down memory lane for all! 


  1. Eva should write a book...a travel book. This is interesting reading. Can't wait for next "adventure"!

  2. We are loving the blog! Keep up the writing! Blessings as you continue to rome. ;) Mrs. Kris and Sarah Beth

  3. Eva, you are doing a wonderful job of sharing your adventures with us! So glad you all were able to visit a base where Pop was stationed. Neat! Jealous you got some good Mexican food! ;)
